28th Wedding Anniversary

Today is a special day.

Today is my wife’s and my 28th wedding  anniversary.

We celebrated by leaving the kids at home and going out to eat.

After that we had to walk off the extra weight we gained eating.

We did pick up some ice cream for the kids to help us celebrate.

Not everything went as planned today though. We had to have our pet cat Tigger put to sleep today.

He had cancer and was not eating anymore. He was 15 1/2 years old.  The family is taking it a little hard. He was a good pet and will be missed.

Brilliant Bicycle Company

I don’t know how many of you like to ride bikes but I found this site and wanted to share it. Brilliant Bicycle Company . They look like great bikes. I used to ride daily and though it’s a single speed I wouldn’t mind having one of these. Stop by and take a look at their home page.